Received an offer to record an instrumental track for a compilation CD released by Shredguy Records. I'm mainly a "vocal song kind of guy", but I've written some instrumentals for both Locomotive Breath, Overdrive and Mountain of Power, so why not. It was actually fun! It's now finished, just the mixing left! Haven't come up with a title yet, but it will probably be "True Temperament" (a dedication to the guitar necks - I used my Les Paul with TT frets all over this one).
Also recorded another guest solo for Tower of Stone. Came out pretty good, too :-)
Spent three days away fly fishing last week. Fun and relaxing, but the fishing sucked! 8 years since I did it, and it will probably take another 8 until next time...
Next weekend it's Firefest! Too bad Pretty Maids had to cancel, but H.E.A.T is a great replacement! This will be a great weekend!
Listening to:
Buckcherry - Black Butterfly - Great new album! Rawk n Roll!
Anthrax - Sound Of White Noise - Forgot how great it is!
Zero Illusion - New great Swedish band to check out!