I've been working on and off with the new book. I've been way too busy with other musical projects and endeavors to be able to fully concentrate on the book (Vol 3 of my encyclopaedia that is), but nevetheless, I've been struggling to keep up the work. I'm now working on finishing the letter E. I have a separate document for each letter. I write the stuff in Word and will then, when I'm finished, transfer the text to InDesign and do the layout. Anyway, since I did the last up-date on my Office for Mac it's been giving me nothing but problems. It freezes, suddenly shuts down Entourage etc. When Word freezes the only solution is to force it to shut down, and then re-start it, losing what I have just done.
However, what really made my heart sink was when I realized I had done a fatal (well...) error. The last time I was working on the letter E, and Word collapsed on me, I shut down and re-opened the program. It opened a re-created copy of the "E" document. I re-saved it, not notocing the program wanted to re-save it as... "A"... So when I open up my finished "A" document to add some new information... up comes "E"... I have overwritten my "A" document with my "E" information. No back-up, no extra copy anywhere, no NOTHING!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUCK!!! This means I have to re-write everything on "A" AGAIN!!!
As if I didn't have enough to do already!! Soooooo tired....
Crap... I'm going to bed...
On a good note however, Overdrive have just signed to Lion Music for the new album "Angelmaker", to be released in January.
Listening to:
STAR ONE - Victims Of The Modern Age - Arjen does it again!!!!
LÅNGFINGER - Skygrounds - Great Swedish retro!
DEGREED - Life Love Loss - Great melodic hard rock!
CURT ANDERSON - For Some Time Now - Chubtone rocks!